You are not just getting a complete new skin from scratch. You also get loads of non default features and modules. Thanks to the attention we pay on Details CrazyCreatives VAs belong to the most successfull VAs in the World.
We surely arent the cheapest when it comes to VA solution offers but that is for a good reason. Compared to most others our packages include countless features which you would miss when ordering somewhere else. We can proudly look back to a long list of satisfied customers and promise that you wont be disappointed with what you get from us.
Order now for 700€Our basic skinning solutions will give you a custom site layout and a frontpage with all kind of different features like dropdown menus, image slideshows, live flights Board, custom news module,…
Any other pages except the frontpage need to be adjusted yourself if you want a custom look. They will however by default already fit into the new layout you get from us. So it is not a necessary requirement to adjust them if you want to keep them default. The skin will still work.
Order now for 200€You will have the option to either keep the module exclusive to your VA* or allow us to sell it in our Store at get the module to a cheaper price.
Anyway asking doesnt cost a cent so why dont you click the button below and tell us about your new module idea.
Its definately a good idea to regulary check back to see whats new since we continuously add new skins and modules to our product range. All our products come with installation instructions and can be downloaded instantly after the purchase is completed. In less than 5 minutes from now you could have any of our products online on your website and offer your pilots something new to explore.
So why not give it a go and click the button below.
Visit StoreCant`t afford that much money?
Why not get one of our premium skins in the download store.
Visit Store Skin StorePrices
VA Site Layout / Basic Skin
- Individual Skin for each Customer
- Website Layout
- Frontpage
- Dropdown Menu
- Image Slideshow
- Live Flights Board
- Ask for “Basic Skinning Service” when contacting us
Full VA Website
- Website Layout
- Frontpage
- Dropdown Menu
- Image Slideshow
- Live Flights Board
- ALL additional pages customized
- Up to 10 of our Modules of your choice from our Store already included in price
- Custom Solutions for new site features
- Pilot Center, Flight Dispatch,….
- Ask for “Full VA Site Service” when contacting us
Custom Modules
- Full custom modules written from scratch to meet your VAs needs
- Matching the module’s look to your site layout
- Flexible pricing option depending if the module is exclusive to your VA or we can sell it in our Store*
Not yet convinced?
Why don`t you take a look at our portfolia page to view some examples of our previous work.
Portfolio Page**Prices depend on the size of the individual project.
NOTE: We do not refund any digital products after the files have been delivered or a Download link has been given to you. When purchasing products in our Store this happens automatically when the checkout process is completed.
For custom ordered skins or modules this is the case when we either send you the files via email or install them directly on your Server.
When ordering a custom module, skin or full website from crazycreatives.com you understand and agree that if you at any later date decide to cancel the project you wont get a full refund if work on your project has already started. In this case we will charge 15€ per hour that we already spent working on your project.
If a project is cancelled by CrazyCreatives.com you will get a full refund.