Connecting Routes Search

This module lets you search all possible connections between 2 airports up to connections with 3 stops. For example if you select EDDF as Departure airport and LGMK as arrival airport it would give you EDDF – LGMK as direct flight but also EDDF – LGAV – LGMK and EDDF – LGTS – LGRP – LGMK if you have those routes in your schedules. You can search flights for a specific day or leave the date field blank to show all flights available between the airports regardless of the day of week. The module will not show just any connections between the airport…it will only display flights which can be reached by your virtual passengers with at least 1 hour difference between the arrival time of the last leg and the departure time of the next leg. You also have the option to show return flights by selecting Roundtrip. Direct flights can be booked directly on the search results page. The via flights will be saved to a seperate page where each pilot can store trips he wants to fly. He can then book those flights from the My Trips page. The module has all files it needs seperate…It does not alter or overwrite your normal flight schedule search system.


  • Search all connections between 2 airports with up to 3 stops.
  • You can search flights either for a specific day or just leave the field blank and find flights for any day.
  • Display return flights on the results page.
  • Pilots can save the trips they would like to fly and book the flights at any later time.

Refunds: Please note that we can not refund any digital or download products after delivery!

  • Version: 1.1
  • Requirements: phpVMS v2.x or phpVMS v5.x